Level 4 Breakfast Parfaits

Enjoy our delightful Breakfast Parfait recipe, layered with a berry blend, greek yogurt, and crushed granola. Safe for IDDSI Levels 4 – 7.


Ingredients 1 Serving 4 Servings 8 Servings 16 Servings
Bran flakes cereal or granola (nut and seed free), crushed 1⁄2 cup 2 cups 4 cups 8 cups
Milk 1⁄4 cup 1 cup 2 cups 4 cups
THICK & EASY® Instant Food and Beverage Thickener
Item: 17938
1 Tbsp 1⁄4 cup 1⁄2 cup 1 cup
THICK & EASY® Pureed Shaped Mixed Berries
Item: 13883*, thawed
1 – 2.5 oz
4 – 2.5 oz
8 – 2.5 oz
16 – 2.5 oz
Greek yogurt of choice
(smooth, and free of fruit chunks, nuts, seeds or other particulates)
1⁄2 cup 2 cups 4 cups 8 cups

*Try using THICK & EASY® Pureed Shaped Peaches or Pineapple in place of Berries



  1. Soak granola or cereal in milk for 10-15 minutes or until soft.
  2. Puree in food processor until smooth.
  3. Add THICK & EASY® Instant Food and BeverageThickener and blend until all powder is dissolved.(Adjust amount of thickener as needed to achieve desired consistency.)


  1. Cut pureed berry portion in half. Spread one half in bottom of a glass parfait dish.
  2. Top with 1⁄4 cup of yogurt and half of the pureed cereal or granola.
  3. Repeat with another layer of pureed berries, yogurt and cereal or granola on top.
  4. Serve immediately; or cover and chill until ready to serve.

Nutrition Information

Serving Size: 1 parfait

Calories: 300

Total Fat: 5g

Saturated Fat: 2.5g

Trans Fat: 0g

Cholesterol: 15mg

Sodium: 250mg

Total Carbs: 51g

Dietary Fiber: 4g

Total Sugars: 32g

Added Sugars: 17g

Protein: 16g

Vitamin D: 8% DV

Calcium: 20% DV

Iron: 70% DV

Potassium: 8% DV